Using Art & Movement to Teach Math

In this episode of the “NYC Academic Solutions” Podcast, we explore how art and movement can enhance math learning, especially for children with different learning styles. Our guest is Mackinna Hart, an experienced teacher from the Dalton School, who shares how this creative approach can make math lessons more engaging and fun for students.

We discuss the benefits of integrating art and movement into math lessons and how it caters to diverse learning styles and explain the science behind its effectiveness.

We delve into how this teaching method can work for various age groups, and importantly, how parents can implement this approach at home to cater to their children's unique learning needs. We also consider how it aligns with current educational standards.

Mackinna offers real-world examples of math concepts taught using art and movement and details her process of creating individualized lesson plans that incorporate these creative elements.

In the latter part of the episode, we learn how this teaching approach can be adapted to subjects beyond math and get tips on balancing creativity with structure in math learning.

For any questions or if you're interested in being a guest on the podcast, please email
Using Art & Movement to Teach Math
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